Monday, September 7

hey pretty people

i feel like i'm at a cross roads in life...i have about 5 months of school left.
after graduation...I have several ways I can go after that.
1. I could go directly to cosmetology school.
2. I could take a 'gap' year and continue working as a house manager. Saving up before I go to cosmetology school.
3. Or I could finish school, work until summer, and apply to work at Summit for summer 2010 and after that hopefully go to Japan to teach English as a second language. (I like this one best, but it would take the most work, I'd have to start language studies right now on top of other schooling.)

Any suggestions? I'd appreciate advice... :)


Ruthie said...

Hmm, I think you should save up for cosmetology school so then you could always have that as a way to support yourself. Else, just go right now and pay off your debt. Just do it before you go to Japan, I think.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Reading this only now.. Guess you made up your mind by now.. ;-) Haha.. interesting to hear what your are thinking about for the near future. I can tell you this: a year abroad is a great experience you'll never regret. But when is the right time..? Something to consider well. Hey, something else. I'd like to know about your experiences at summit. Are you going to share some stories about that sometime on your blog?

BYE, Marjanne
-tulips from Amsterdam -

Jak said... i haven't totally decided yet...i'm still thinking about my options. :)
and yes, i should post about summit...i'm super busy with school and work, but i will find time. :D
hope to see you soon!